Hanging Lightbulbs Hold Sway Over Rooms
Intriguingly industrial or with a riveting retro look, lighting fixtures with bare bulbs and exposed cords add edge to any room.
‘This interior showcases how a simple light fixture repeated over and over can create quite a statement. Notice the knots in each cord: such a neat way of playing with your fixture’s length while adding a lot interest to the space.’
Katya Popova Houzz Contributor April 20, 2012

photographer: eric scazuk for mango design co
tags // eames, eclectic, hanging lights, house, interior design, kitchen, kitchen design, lighting, mango design co, pendant, tanya mclean, vancouver, vancouver designers
category // media | comments | posted by mangodesignco@gmail.com
category // media | comments | posted by mangodesignco@gmail.com